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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета ( более не поддерживается!

Новый сайт доступен по адресу

Laboratory of Laser Physics and Crystallophysics

Research Area:

Research and development of high-power multicolor pulse-periodic gas lasers with nanosecond pulses and technologies based on them

Main scientific achievements:
- A cycle of fundamental research related to the study of the physical foundations of self-terminating lasers with controlled metal vapor generation has been completed;
- A new approach to the optimization of metal vapor lasers, comprising selective influence on the electronic component of the plasma has been submitted;
- The maximum pulse repetition rate copper bromide (270 kHz ), copper ( 235 kHz) , gold (150 kHz) , strontium (1 MHz) and barium (280 kHz) lasers have been implemented ;
- The ways to create multi element metal vapor lasers with  exploded active media have been realized.

Contact: Reimer Igor

(3822)529823,529498 (3822)234393