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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета ( более не поддерживается!

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Russian version

International Conference "Cognitive Robotics", December 7-10, 2016, Tomsk, Russia, National Research Tomsk State University

Conference dates: 7-10 December 2016

CONFERENCE VENUE: National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050.

The conference is organized by:
  • National Research Tomsk State University. Tomsk, Russia
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Tomsk, Russia
  • Polzunov Altai State Technical University; Barnaul, Russia
  • JSC Scientific-Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices, Tomsk; Russia
  • Information Satellite Systems named after Academician MF Reshetnev
  • Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Karaganda State Technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
  • Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany;
  • National Instruments, USA.




    Conference dates: 7-10 December 2016

    Authors' registration: 27 November 2016.

    Paper submission deadline: 30 November 2016

    CONFERENCE VENUE National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050.

    Secretary of the Conference Kuznetsov Denis Nikolaevich:


    Bank account details

    Bank account details:

      From USD
      IBAN: 40503840300007000309
      In favour of Gazprombank Tomsk
      Tomsk State University
      Tomsk, Russia

      From EURO
      IBAN: 40503978900007000309
      Tomsk state university,
      Tomsk, Russia



    • Conference chairman: Vladimir I. Syryamkin, D.Eng.Sc., professor, Head of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; academician of International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Director of TSU scientific and educational center «Recognition: navigation, diagnostics, mechatronics»
    • Conference co-chairman - Eduard V. Galazhinsky, Doctor of Science (Psychology), Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Rector of Tomsk State University, Professor. Conference co-chairman – S.G. Emelyanov, D.Eng.Sc., professor, Rector of Southwest State University (Kursk, Russia).
    • Mikhail Son’kin, D.Eng.Sc., Professor, Vice-Governor of Tomsk Region on Scientific, Educational and Innovative policy;
    • Ivan V. Ivonin, TSU Vice-Rector for Academic Research, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
    • Eduard Siemens- professor, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany);
    • Stanislav V. Shidlovsky – D.Eng.Sc., professor of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; Head of the Laboratory of high-performance reconfigurable systems;
    • Ali D. Mehtiyev – Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Head of the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems of Karaganda State Technical University;
    • Artem V. Kozlov – academic secretary: Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., research associate of Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (IAO SB RAS);
    • Alexander Yu. Verkhovskiy – Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Transport Systems, Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University;
    • Anatoliy N. Soldatov – Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Head of the Regional Center of the Russian Association of Laser, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, dean of the FIT TSU;
    • Maxim V. Syryamkin – director of the interacademic educational and scientific production center Technology Management, National Research Tomsk State University;
    • Irina A. Larioshina – Ph.D. assistant of Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
    • Artem A. Ananin – Head of the scientific and educational projects of National instruments;
    • Alexey A. Poguda – deputy Dean of the FIT TSU, coordinator of the conference site;
    • Denis N. Kuznetsov – FIT TSU, Conference Secretary, engineer of the Laboratory of high-performance reconfigurable systems.
    • Olga V. Galtseva, PhD, Associate Professor of Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.