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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета ( более не поддерживается!

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01.12.2017 11:10:00 (715 прочтений) The Center for Excellence "Intellectual Technical Systems"
Robot researcher is an automatic complex of high patency for remote reconnaissance of territories (radiological, biological, chemical observations).

Открыть изображение в новом окне

1. Dimensions (length х width х height мм.) – 1000 х 500 х 400;
2. Extra equipment carrying capacity–up to 30 kg.;
3. Obstacle climbing height up to 20 cm.;
4. Stairway width more than 0.6 meter.;
5. Stairway slope angle up to 45 degree;
6. Ascent angle up to 50 degree;
7. Snow cover depth – up to 10 cm;
8. Indoor moving ability;
9. loaded mass– 57 kg;
10. Cross-country moving ability;
11. Remote control distance– up to 1 km without auto tracker
12. Data exchange– up to 20 km;
13. Digital monitoring and autopilot system;
14. One charge endurance – up to 10 hours.

1. Monitoring of hazardous areas (radiological, biological, chemical observations), conducting engineering reconnaissance of territories.
2. Investigation of closed and inaccessible premises (rubble)
3. Layout of hazardous areas
4. Maintaining a set of anti-terrorist activities

Delivery time: 3-6 months
The price is negotiable
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