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Конференции, гранты > MakeLearn International Conference in Portorož, Slovenia

MakeLearn International Conference in Portorož, Slovenia

Опубликовано 16.01.2014 (1288 прочтений)
As Conference Director, I cordially invite you to submit a paper/abstract to the MakeLearn International Conference in Portorož, Slovenia June 25-27, 2014. The MakeLearn 2014 features: Keynote Addresses, Rectors’ Forum, Editors’ Panel, Research Education Practice Forum, and high-quality research paper presentations in concurrent sessions (see the program-in-brief at

Conference Theme: Human Capital without Borders: Knowledge and Learning for Quality of Life

All submissions MUST be made online at The first order of business upon entering the website is to create a login account, which includes a username and password. The e-registration is open. Please go online at for (1) creating your username & password, and then (2) uploading papers/abstracts. Papers/abstracts submission is due by February 15, 2014.

Accepted papers are to be included in the MakeLearn 2014 Conference Proceedings in CD form. Feel free to download all research articles in previous year MakeLearn 2013 Conference Proceedings at Authors of selected full-length papers will be given the opportunity to revise their papers for possible inclusion in a future issue of 15 highly regarded academic research journals according to the guidelines for publication and editorial decision as specified in each journal. Conference registered delegates will have opportunity to meet F2F with editors of 15 academic journals (see the list of 15 academic journals at

Doctoral Students' Workshop will be held for June 27-28 ( The workshop provides a great opportunity for doctoral students, young researchers and postdocs to gain new knowledge and skills on academic writing for publishing scientific papers in international journals.

MakeLearn 2014 will announce two best paper award categories: (1) MakeLearn 2014 best conference paper, and (2) ESWA PhD Student Research Paper Award. See the Awards in 2013 at

For video “Portorož, Slovenia (Getaway)” please click at
For photo gallery of MakeLearn conference from previous years please click at

Venue and Accommodation: MakeLearn 2014 and Doctoral Students' Workshop Programme 2014 will be held at the Congress Centre Portus in Hotel Slovenija in Portorož, Slovenia. Click here for location of Congress Centre Portus and nearby hotels in Portorož. More information on accommodation with special rate is available at for details.


Навигация по статьям
Предыдущая статья Международные конференции в Новосибирске (11-18 апреля) и Иркутске (22-25 апреля) Публикация в Journal of Modern Physics Следующая статья
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