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Конференции, гранты > The 3rd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas

The 3rd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas

Опубликовано 28.08.2014 (846 прочтений)
The 3rd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas
December 1 - 5, 2014

ARSA 2014:
The 3rd ARSA-conference 2014 (virtual conference) gives you a great opportunityto participate in the fully fledged, scientific and professional conference without personal participation. The ARSA Virtual Conference will run continuously during December 1 - 5, 2014 at

ARSA Virtual Conference is designed for all scientific groups. The conference will bring the scientific debate among the scientists. At the virtual conference, you have access to all articles in the conference at any time and can use virtual discussion with the author of any article at any time.

Scientific Background:
- All conference articles will be peer reviewed (single blind, double tier evaluation).
- Accepted articles will be published in the conference proceedings "Proceedings of the Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Fields 2014" with ISBN and ISSN.
- The accepted papers in conference proceedings will be sent for evaluation to SCOPUS databases.
- Top rated papers will be sent for consideration in selected journals. (

Technical and scientific papers describing original, previously unpublished work are solicited in the areas of all scientific fields. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the following areas (not limited to):
- Business Management
- Marketing
- Economy and Business Economics
- Public service, Law
- Financing and Accounting
- Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy, Social Science, Education
- Medicine
- Veterinary medicine
- Art, Religion, History, Culturology, Philosophy
- Linguistics
- Ecology
- Agriculture
- Natural science - mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics
- Electronics, Electrical Systems, Electrical Engineering
- Energy
- Industrial and Civil Engineering
- Informatics
- Information Technology
- Transport and Logistics
(or send us your suggestion for a new section)

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: October 20, 2014
Author Notification: November 17, 2014
ARSA 2014, conference time: December 1 - 5, 2014

Contact Information:
For further information, Please contact us for more information at

This conference is the member of the-science community, which supports healthy research activities. For more information visit: If you are interested in receiving more
information subscribe there. ... cfc5a1eb252a28eef0e2f970a

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28.08.2014 233


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