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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета ( более не поддерживается!

Новый сайт доступен по адресу

International laboratory «Vision systems»

Опубликовано 01.01.2012 (1042 прочтений)

International laboratory «Vision systems»

Heads of Laboratory:
Vladimir I. Syryamkin - Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, Head of subdepartment «Quality control» of the Department of Innovative Technologies of National Research Tomsk State University, Honored worker of higher school of the Russian Federation, winner of the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, academician of the International Academy of higher School, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the International Informatization Academy.
Valerii L. Vengrinivich - Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, senior research associate of the laboratory «Professional equipment engineering» of the Department of Innovative Technologies of National Research Tomsk State University, winner of the award of the National Academy of Belarus, head of Laboratory of Computational Diagnostics of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Chairman of Belarusian Association of the Nondestructive Methods of Testing, author of more than 250 research papers, including 60 invention patents.

Development of basic theory, construction principles, modeling, design and experimental study of competitive vision systems of common use.

The project studies up-to-date ways and methods for solving problems related to:
- non-destructive testing in manufacturing goods and diagnostics of composition and structure of materials they are made of;
- carrying out a highly-accurate analysis of health pathologies (skin disorders, ear-nose-throat and gynecological diseases etc.), pregnancy and the fetus condition, as well as surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmia;
- automated and autonomous control of robotic systems in natural and artificial conditions with different physical and information environment;
- self-adjusting urban environment security systems, including analysis of various internal and external factors and the forecast of development of various objects (such as territories and the state).

Implementation of these techniques and methods, as well as the development of the systems is supposed to be carried out by using neuro-fuzzy technologies and reconfigurable tunable structures based on adaptive, teachable, highly accurate, noise-resistant, high-speed algorithms of processing, analysis and recognition of multi-dimensional data.


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