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Information-measuring equipment and technologies

Опубликовано 12.04.2016 (2469 прочтений)
Information-measuring equipment and technologies
VII Scientific Conference with international participation «Information-measuring equipment and technologies»

Call for Papers

VII  Scientific Conference with international participation

«Information-measuring equipment and technologies»


25-28 May, 2016

Tomsk, National Research Tomsk State University



·        National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia)

·        National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia)

·        Joint-stock company Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices (Tomsk, Russia)

·        Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Barnaul, Russia)

·        Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Kazakstan)

·        JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

·        Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Anhalt, Germany)


National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050


Authors' registration: 30 April 2016
Submission of Camera Ready Paper: 9 May 2016
Conference dates: 25 – 28  May 2016



Track 1. The use of modern measuring and information devices and technologies.

Track 2. Innovative technologies in radio physics, microwave and semiconductor electronics.

Track 3. Information technologies in medicine.

Track 4. Information and Intelligent systems of mechatronics and robotics.

Track  5. Organizational and methodological issues of staff training in the field of information-measuring devices and technologies. (Use of information technologies in the educational process)

Topics within the scope of the conference include:

·        Problems of development and application of modern sensors  for obtaining reliable data about the object of measurement;

·        construction of measuring instrument and systems based on smart sensors;

·        the use of modern measuring systems and information technologies in the production and research activities;

·        experience in application and prospects of the development of modern measuring systems;

·        development and application of smart information systems in medicine;

·        smart reconfigurable systems of control, navigation and image processing for autonomous mobile robots;

·        Algorithms and mathematical models of high-speed processing and image analysis systems;

·        development and application of radio-wave imaging systems;

·        problems of staff training for modern enterprises using high-tech systems for data collecting and processing. 


·        Alexey V. Yurchenko, conference chairman - D.Eng.Sc., Senior Researcher of the international laboratory Vision Systems

·        Eduard Siemens- professor, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

·        Vladimir P. Yakubov- Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Head of the Department of Radiophysics, National Research Tomsk State University;

·        Vladimir I. Syryamkin D.Eng.Sc., professor, Head of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; President of the Association of Innovative Enterprises and Organizations of Tomsk and Tomsk region; academician of International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

·        Stanislav V. Shidlovsky - D.Eng.Sc., professor of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; Head of the Laboratory of high-performance reconfigurable systems;

·          Ali D. Mehtiyev - Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Head of the Department of  Technologies and Communication Systems of Karaganda State Technical University

·        Artem V. Kozlov , academic secretary: Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., research associate of Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (IAO SB RAS)

·         Sergey E. Shipilov, Ph.D. in Physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor  of the Department of Radiophysics National Research Tomsk State University

·        Alexander Yu. Verkhovskiy, Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Transport Systems, Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University

·        Maxim V. Syryamkin - director of the interacademic educational and scientific production center Technology Management, National Research Tomsk State University


·          Vladimir I. Syryamkin, chairman D.Eng.Sc., professor, Head of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; President of the Association of Innovative Enterprises and Organizations of Tomsk and Tomsk region; academician of International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

·        Nikola Sobutinov - professor, academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

·         Anatoliy N. Soldatov – Dr. Phys.-Math.Sci., professor, Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University;

·        Stanislav V. Shidlovsky - D.Eng.Sc., professor of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; Head of the Laboratory of high-performance reconfigurable systems;

·        Valery L. Vengrinovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory of the Computational Diagnostics State Scientific Institution «Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» (Minsk, Belarus);



·        Sergey B. Suntsov - department supervisor  of JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

·        Vladimir P. Yakubov- Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Head of the Department of Radiophysics, National Research Tomsk State University;

·         Ali D. Mehtiyev - Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Head of the Department of  Technologies and Communication Systems of Karaganda State Technical University

·        Boris Romanus Bracioprofessor of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences(Anhalt, Germany)

·        Jorg Bagdahn- director of the Department Reliability and Technology for Grid Parity, Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaic CSP

·        Alexey G. Yakunin, professor, Head of  the Department of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Information Security,  Polzunov Altai State Technical University (Barnaul, Russia)

·         Boris V. Poller, D.Eng.Sc., professor, Head of the Laboratory of Laser Information Systems, Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science

·        Eduard Siemens- professor, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

The organizing committee is pleased to welcome all concerned participants in the work of the program committee. We can make the conference more interesting and useful together.


Standard participation fee – 1000 rubles

Participation fee for young researchers (post-graduate students under the age of 35) - 500 rubles

Students of National Research Tomsk State University  and National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University free

The participation fee includes: conference materials, participation in conference tracks, coffee breaks.

Bank account details for the remittance are available here.

After the paper is accepted, please provide the scanned copy of the fee payment to


The participants must fill out the following application form: 

Full name:




Science degree, academic title:


Phone number:

Postal address:

Form of participation (oral presentation, poster paper or distant participation):

Title of the conference paper:

Conference track №:




The application form and the conference paper must be sent to:


Author instructions can be found here.

Camera ready papers must be sent to


Selected papers will be published in IOP Physics Conference series.


We invite Russian and international sponsors for financial and information support of the conference. We offer You the following options:

·        inclusion in the organizing committee;

·        logo placement;

·        inclusion of additional scientific topics of Your interest in the conference program;

·        arrangement of the exhibition of Your product and presentation materials;

·        inclusion of a workshop/ seminar related to the scientific topics of Your interest in the conference program;

·        inclusion of Your advertising materials in the participant's conference materials and the conference proceedings.


Address: Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050

Conference website:

Conference secretaryDenis Kuznetsov

Mobile phone +7 906-950-87-27 



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