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Конференции, гранты > The 11th Russian-Chinese Symposium in Tomsk

The 11th Russian-Chinese Symposium in Tomsk

Опубликовано 23.11.2012 (3336 прочтений)
The 11th Russian-Chinese Symposium in Tomsk
10-12 May 2013 in Tomsk the 11th Russian-Chinese Symposium on Laser Physics and Laser Technologies

The 8th Sino-Russian Symposium on Laser Physics and Its Applications

The 11th Russian-Chinese Symposium on Laser Physics and Laser Technologies

Time constraints: 10th-12th of May, 2013

Place: National research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia


The following fields will be covered by the symposium:

1)  Laser physics

2)  Laser systems

3)  Laser technology

4)  Laser biomedical optics and laser application in medicine

5)  Not laser sources and technologies on their basis

Within the bounds of Symposium a Conference of young scientists and students “Lasers and laser technologies” will take place.



  The official languages of the symposium are English and Russian.


Chairman of program committee: George Mayer

Chairman: Anatoly Soldatov

Chairman: Wang Qi


To take part in Symposium filled registration form (see Appendix 1) should be sent until 10th of December, 2012 at committee e-mail address. All attendees will have the opportunity of presenting oral or post their papers at the symposium.

Full papers will be considered for publication in proceedings. Abstracts should be submitted electronically via email to organizing committee by December 10, 2012.

Brief instruction for preparing the abstract and proceeding are given here. It is requested that the abstract and proceeding should be in Word format. The corresponding authors’ mailing address, plus phone, fax numbers and email address should be supplied. Theme of e-mail should read: “Symposium, First Name Last Name of reporter


Format of Abstract and Proceedings

   Abstract and Proceedings should be submitted in English according to the following format:

   Paper volume of oral report – 5 pages, poster – 3 pages (only proceedings)

   Abstract volume at most 200 symbols

   Text area: A4 size paper with 25 mm margin all around.

   Text font: Times New Roman

   Title: in boldface and font size 14 pts with single spacing; capitalize the first letter of each word.

   Name(s) of author(s): in 12 pts font size with single spacing; the presenter’s name being underlined.

   Affiliation: in 12 pts font size with single spacing.

   Text: in 12 pts font with single spacing.

   Figures: every figure on individual file in format ***.tiff.

   References: should appear in the text as number within square breakets and listed at the end of the  abstract in 12 pts font size with single spacing. The reference should follow the style: [1] Author, Journal Title, year, volume, pages.



Registration Fee - $150.00



  The official languages of the symposium are English and Russian.


Chairman of program committee: George Mayer

Chairman: Anatoly Soldatov

Chairman: Wang Qi



Address organizing committee: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 36. e-mail:

Chairman: Anatoly Soldatov

phone/fax (3822) 52-98-23, e-mail:,

Secretary: Anna Vasilieva

phone/fax (3822) 53-94-98,

Secretary for foreign arrangements: Larisa Chausova

phone/fax (3822) 52-98-23,



We would be glad to see you among Symposium participants.
Appendix 1



First name, last name


Academic degree, academic status


Tel. number






Organization address


Report title


Report form (oral/ stand)


Hotel reservation needed (name exact period of stay, from… till…)



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Добавить этот файл Program
The 11-th Russian-Chinese Symposium on Laser Physics and Laser Technologies The Conference on Lasers and Laser Technologies for Students and Young Investigators
08.05.2013 552


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