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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета ( более не поддерживается!

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Russian version

VII Scientific Conference with international participation
«Information-measuring equipment and technologies»

Conference dates: 25 – 28 May 2016

CONFERENCE VENUE: National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050.




Conference dates: 25 – 28 May 2016.

Authors' registration: 30 April 2016.

Paper submission deadline: 16 May 2016

CONFERENCE VENUE National Research Tomsk State University, 36, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, Russia 634050.

Secretary of the Conference Kuznetsov Denis Nikolaevich:


Bank account details

Bank account details:

    Получатель УФК по Томской области (ТГУ) л/с 30656Щ45330
    ИНН 7018012970
    КПП 701701001
    Расчетный счет 40501810500002000002
    БИК 046902001
    Наименование банка Отделение Томск г. Томск  
    ОКАТО 69401000000
    ОКТМО 69701000

    Информация о плательщике ФИО (И здесь же обязательно краткое название конференции!!!! Другого места нет. Например, Иванов К.В. ИTТ- 2016)

    Убедительная просьба, все квитанции оплаты сохранять.



  • Conference chairman Alexey V. Yurchenko – D.Eng.Sc., professor, Senior Researcher of the international laboratory Vision Systems;
  • Conference co-chairman Vladimir I. Syryamkin – D.Eng.Sc., professor, Head of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; President of the Association of Innovative Enterprises and Organizations of Tomsk and Tomsk region; academician of International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
  • Eduard Siemens- professor, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany);
  • Anatoliy N. Soldatov – Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Head of the Regional Center of the Russian Association of Laser, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, dean of the FIT TSU;
  • Vladimir P. Yakubov – Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics, professor, Head of the Department of Radiophysics, National Research Tomsk State University;
  • Stanislav V. Shidlovsky – D.Eng.Sc., professor of the Department of Quality Control of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University; Head of the Laboratory of high-performance reconfigurable systems;
  • Ali D. Mehtiyev – Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Head of the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems of Karaganda State Technical University;
  • Artem V. Kozlov – academic secretary: Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., research associate of Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (IAO SB RAS);
  • Sergey E. Shipilov – Ph.D. in Physico-mathematical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Radiophysics National Research Tomsk State University;
  • Alexander Yu. Verkhovskiy – Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry of Transport Systems, Faculty of Innovative Technologies, National Research Tomsk State University;
  • Maxim V. Syryamkin – director of the interacademic educational and scientific production center Technology Management, National Research Tomsk State University;
  • Alexander E. Goldstein – D.Eng.Sc., professor of the Department of Physical Methods of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Olga V. Galtseva – Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., associate professor of the Department of Non-Destructive Testing, Science Office the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Irina A. Larioshina – Ph.D. in Eng.Sc., Science Office the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Artem A. Ananin – Head of the scientific and educational projects of National instruments;
  • Denis N. Kuznetsov – FIT TSU, Conference Secretary;
  • Alexey A. Poguda – deputy Dean of the FIT TSU, coordinator of the conference site.