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С 1 июня 2019 года старый сайт Факультета инновационных технологии
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Авторы: N. A. Badulin
26.05.2014 13:20:00 (1039 прочтений) Бадулин Николай Александрович
Badulin N.A. «Улитка инноваций», «Тройная спираль» и другие круговые процессы в экономике (Innovation Snail, Triple Helix, and Other Circular Processes in Economics) (INNOVATION-2012, 25-28 April 2012, Tomsk: TUSUR-Press, 2012, V.1, pp.7-29. ISBN 978-5-86889-595-1)

The Triple Helix model of Innovation /1/ is gaining more and more supporters.

At the same time there remain 3 open questions which, if addressed, could help reinvent it from a visionary theory to practice theory:
1. Why is the triple helix model used to describe social progress?
2. How does the triple helix model describe the current position and direction of a given society?
3. What forecast can be made for a given society and its outlook?

Quoting Henry Etzkowitz’s Triple Helix /1, p.51/:
“…Triple Helix field theory (hereinafter – the TH) depicts helices with an internal core and external field space (see Figure 1). The model:
 helps explain why the three spheres keep a relatively independent and distinct status;
 shows where interactions take place;
 and explains why a dynamic triple helix can be formed with gradations between independence and interdependence, conflict and confluence of interest.
Conversely, the model can be used to help identify when a sphere is in danger of losing its identity.”
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